Phantom Wheel Page 8
She walks out of the room, and at 20:25 is picked back up by nanny cam 1.
The rest of the party is uneventful, until 21:48, when Alika excuses herself from the dining table and makes her way to Masters’s office. Security camera 3A shows that it takes her seventeen seconds to pick the lock. Surveillance picks up—audio and video—as she walks into the office and heads straight to Masters’s laptop.
At 21:54, she picks the lock on Masters’s desk drawer and riffles through the papers until she finds a small index card taped on the outside bottom of the drawer. Seconds later she logs into the computer.
For the next twelve minutes and twenty-three seconds, Alika alternates between typing and reading whatever comes across the screen. At 22:07, she logs off and rejoins the party.
UPDATE: 12/22/18
The Washington Post breaks a story about massive corruption in the Treasury Department.
UPDATE: 12/23/18
News breaks that three congresspeople are calling for Secretary Masters to face hearings on Capitol Hill when Congress is back from the holiday break.
December 20, 2018 5:13 AM, CST
IT: Are you there?
6:22 AM, EST
OH: I’m here
OH: Have you been working all night?
IT: Haven’t you?
OH: No. I’ve been doing other stuff
IT: What other stuff?
OH: Seriously?
IT: Sorry. It’s just, this is important
OH: You’re telling me that?
IT: Sorry
IT: I found something that doesn’t make much sense. I wanted to shoot it over for you to look at
OH: What is it?
IT: Some weird numbers I found on the comp for the CFO of Franklin
IT: They look like payouts, but I can’t tell to whom
OH: Shoot it over. I’ll follow the trail
IT: Thanks. I’m going to keep digging here, see what else turns up
4:27 AM, PST
EH: Got a minute?
AI: Yeah. What’s wrong?
EH: They’re really putting all their eggs in this charging kiosk basket
AI: Yeah, I’m getting that too
EH: Have you found the rollout schedule yet?
EH: It looks like they’re starting in their headquarter cities. New York, San Francisco, and Helsinki
EH: But I want to know what cities come next
AI: Why?
EH: Just a hunch I’m following up on
AI: I don’t know. I’ll find the schedule and shoot it to you in a little
EH: Cool. Thanks
9:14 AM, CST
SP: This is some kind of worm you built
AI: Do you need help with it?
SP: Nah. I’m just impressed
SP: And a little scared of you
AI: Oh
AI: Thanks, I guess
SP: Definitely a compliment
10:41 AM, CST
SP: Any idea who specifically we can blame for this yet?
HB: You mean besides us?
SP: Yes, besides us. Obviously
HB: Just made it through the firewall at Franklin
SP: I thought you were concentrating on Jacento?
HB: I am
SP: Oooooooooookay
1:30 PM, EST
AI: Sending the rollout schedule now
AI: They’re hitting every major city in Europe and America within fifteen days of the first kiosk going live
EH: Who’s next?
EH: Barcelona?
AI: How did you know?
EH: Cuz I’m that good, baby
AI: Don’t call me baby
EH: Whatever you say
EH: Baby
AI: Seriously, how did you know?
EH: I only share that info with people who let me call them baby.…
10:38 AM, PST
EH: Hello?
EH: Hello?
EH: Okay, okay. Sorry I insulted you.
EH: Baby
2:34 PM, EST
OH: You might want to start by checking out Daniel Davies
OH: He works for Franklin
2:41 PM, EST
OH: Hello???
OH: In the middle of this, you have something more important to do? Really?
OH: Must be nice
HB: Don’t get your panties all twisted up, I’m here
HB: Who is Daniel Davies?
OH: Agent Shane Donovan, from the audition
OH: You didn’t even check him out?
OH: You give hackers everywhere a bad name
HB: Bite me
HB: Shane’s not even his real first name? Why would he pick Shane for a fake first name?
OH: Seriously? In the middle of all this, that’s what surprises you?
HB: Bite me again
5:46 PM, PST
EH: Tell me you’ve got something
SP: You mean besides the fact that Alika is a freaking genius?
EH: Let me clarify
EH: Tell me you’ve got something I don’t already know
SP: No really. Phantom Wheel is freaking art
EH: Is it art we can kill?
SP: That’s the problem
SP: She programmed in a kill switch, but it’s not that hard to find
SP: If they’ve even got someone decent looking at the thing
EH: They’ll change it up and we’ll be screwed
SP: I’m pretty sure we’re already screwed
EH: Now where’s that positive spirit we admire so much?
SP: Okay, I’m positive we’re screwed!!!!
SP: Better?
EH: Dude…
7:10 PM, PST
EH: Jacento has planned a whole new product line aimed at old people
EH: Do you know about it?
SP: Dude, I’m out of orange soda
EH: And that matters because…
SP: I don’t hack without orange soda
EH: Well, can you read without it?
SP: Not while I’m driving
EH: Jesus. Amateur
SP: Forgive me for wanting to live
EH: So not forgiven
9:28 PM, CST
SP: Okay, I’m back
SP: Hello?
EH: And obviously properly hydrated
SP: You know it, baby
EH: See! It’s totally an expression!
SP: What’s an expression?
EH: Never mind
EH: Now that you’re hyped on orange soda and no longer incoherent, did you know about the new product line?
SP: Why would I know about it?
EH: Because your dad’s company is partnering with Jacento on it
SP: No way. Really?
SP: Hey, how do you know what company my dad works for?
EH: The same way you know what company my family owns
SP: Touché
EH: So, what do you know about it?
SP: Nothing
SP: Yet
December 21, 2018 12:06 AM, PST
HB: These guys are gross
IT: Did you really expect anything else?
HB: No. I mean criminally gross
HB: This one guy, Koskinen, in San Fran, is into some really creepy stuff
IT: You got in?
HB: To a few accounts
HB: The passwords are crap
HB: Most of them are total jerks, but Koskinen is sick
IT: What are you going to do about it?
HB: What can I do about it right now?
HB: We don’t want to tip them off
IT: Screw tipping them off
IT: Sometimes you’ve got to step up
IT: What’s this K guy doing?
HB: I have stepped up
HB: I’m here, aren’t I?
IT: Looks like you are
HB: What does that mean?
IT: It means these jerks get away with enough. They don’t need us lett
ing them slide too
HB: His pics. There’s no way all the girls are eighteen.
IT: Ugh. Gross
HB: Told you
IT: You need to turn him in
HB: How?
IT: What do you mean how? Just do it!
HB: He’ll know someone was in his stuff
IT: I guarantee you, that won’t occur to him for a while
IT: He’ll be too busy lying to his wife and his lawyer
IT: San Fran PD must have an anonymous tipline. Use that. He won’t know what happened until it’s too late for him and all his little friends
HB: You hope
IT: I know. Do it
4:21 AM, EST
AI: You there?
AI: Hello?
AI: Ping me back when you wake up
4:34 AM, EST
OH: Don’t you ever sleep?
AI: Not when I might be partially responsible for the apocalypse
OH: It won’t get that far
AI: So you say
AI: Where’s the money lead?
OH: Everywhere
AI: That’s not exactly helpful
OH: Was I supposed to be helpful?
OH: Sorry, baby, I’m still asleep
AI: Don’t call me baby
OH: Don’t call me baby
AI: You’re mimicking me now?
OH: Typing at the same time isn’t mimicking. It’s logic—or precognition
AI: Where’s the money going?
OH: Where it always goes
OH: To big houses and crooked politicians
AI: So, what are we going to do?
OH: Get it back. Obviously.
AI: How?
OH: I’m still working on that part
6:37 AM, CST
IT: I’ve been thinking
OH: Spit it out. I’ve got to get to school
IT: You’re going to school?
OH: I don’t have a choice. It’s the last day before winter break. I’ve got finals
IT: Where’s the money?
OH: Alika and I just did this
IT: Well, since you haven’t solved the problem, do it again
OH: Ooooh, I like being bossed around
IT: And I like a guy who listens, so…
IT: Where’s the real money?
IT: I don’t mean what’s being funneled around for this whole thing
IT: I mean, in the end, who benefits
OH: That’s what I’ve been saying!!
OH: Maybe you’re the one who needs to listen
IT: Can we forget your ego for a minute and just follow this through?
OH: Yes, Mom
IT: Seriously?
OH: Sorry. I’m a little loopy from lack of sleep
IT: It’s about business and politics
OH: It’s always about business and politics
IT: Just give me a minute
IT: The real money is in swaying governments to do what you want, right? To pass legislation that will somehow benefit your company
IT: I looked it up. Jacento has at least a dozen lobbyists working in the US alone, plus Europe, Africa, Asia
OH: Alika and I kind of batted this around earlier, but we were talking about the money going to the politicians
IT: But the money only goes to the politicians so that in the end the laws benefit big business
OH: I’m not sure I’m following you
IT: What if this is just a smash and grab?
OH: Of course it’s a smash and grab!
OH: Jacento wouldn’t be doing it if it didn’t benefit them. The question is how???
IT: What if they’re paying the government in info instead of in dollars?
IT: I don’t know yet. I’m just thinking…
10:55 AM, CST
SP: Hey, have any of you guys heard of Oxford Analytics?????
OH: No. What is it?
SP: Took me a while to get to the bottom of it, believe it or not, but it’s actually… big data
IT: Oh no
OH: Oh no is right
HB: What’d I miss?
AI: Is that what we’ve been missing?
OH: I think so
IT: Definitely
EH: Anyone want to let the rest of us in on what’s going on here?
SP: Oxford Analytics is this big data firm out of London
HB: They’re an advertising firm? Isn’t that what big data is used for?
OH: Big data’s used for EVERYTHING
EH: It’s why likes on social media are private now
AI: What is it? Ten FB likes and they know you better than your best friend?
IT: Something like that
SP: So, what if Jacento’s going beyond social media?
SP: What if the reason they want into everything is because they want the information those companies can give them on us
HP: But for what purpose?
HP: You really think they’re going to traffic in information with the US government?
SP: I think it’s a possibility
IT: A really big, really scary possibility
AI: That’s not just scary. It’s downright terrifying
OH: Right?
IT: I don’t want those people running around in my business
EH: It’s not about them running around in your business. It’s about them running around in your HEAD
EH: They get access to all this, they get access to you
AI: We don’t know for sure that’s what they’re going to do with this info
OH: We don’t know for sure that it’s not
OH: You got a better idea of what’s happening here?
AI: No, but I don’t think we should decide that Jacento plans on using info as currency until we know for sure
HB: We can’t know for sure, not unless we get inside
EH: I thought you were hacking the officers
HB: I am. But it’s not so easy. Their CEO may be a visionary, but he’s also paranoid. There’s only so much info I can gather outside of Jacento’s actual headquarters. They’ve got a lot of stuff that stays in-house, that never leaves the building, even through cyberspace
OH: So what’s that mean? We’ve got to go there?
IT: We can’t just go there. I’m in San Antonio!
SP: Not to mention, it’s Christmas in four days
SP: We can’t just take off for San Francisco
OH: Okay, but we’ve got to do something
OH: I’ve got to go. I have another test
EH: You’re still in school right now?!?!?!
OH: Dude, it’s New England
EH: I have no idea what that means
AI: It means they invented the whole walk uphill, in the snow, barefoot, for two miles to get to school thing
OH: Exactly
AI: I’ve got to go too
AI: Same reason
SP: Wait! Have we settled this?
IT: There’s nothing to settle!
IT: No way can I just take off for San Francisco!!!!
OH: Yeah, well, I don’t think we’re going to be able to figure out what’s going on if we don’t
OH: I’m out, but I’m down for San Fran
AI: Me too
EH: Let me see what I can work out
IT: What does that even mean?
IT: Ezra? Hello?
SP: My parents are going to freak
HB: Tell them you’re saving the world
HB: Aren’t your parents all about that?
SP: Yeah, the other 364 days of the year
SP: My mom takes Christmas really seriously
IT: Why are we even still talking about this?
IT: Hello?
IT: Hello?
Case Study:
Ezra Hernandez aka EazyH
DOB: 7/2/00
Sex: Male
ht: 6′1″
Weight: 175 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Race: Hispanic (Colombian descent)
School: The Bishop’s School (private), San Diego
Parents: Victor and Hilda Hernandez
Personal Net Worth: $20 mil (trust fund)
Family Net Worth: $975 mil
Interesting Fact: His parents own hotels. Lots and lots of hotels, in more than fifty countries around the world. There’s rich and then there’s Ezra. He’s on another level.
Most Notorious Hack: Honestly? This one.
The kid moves like he thinks he’s a badass.
I take that back. He moves like he knows he’s a badass.
It’s in the way he holds himself, in the way he speaks, in the way he looks at everyone around him—not like they’re inferior, but like he knows he’s just a little bit better. Better looking, better at talking his way into and out of things. Just better, all the way around. And after watching him in these surveillance videos, it’s hard to disagree.
No doubt, he’s hit the genetic lottery. Not just with his looks, although those are good too. The shaggy hair is an absolute “screw you” to the social conventions for which he’s otherwise a walking, talking poster boy. That it’s obviously courtesy of a two-hundred-dollar haircut doesn’t really go with his rebel-without-a-cause vibe. Then again, maybe I’ve got the vibe wrong—Ezra doesn’t seem the type to make such a blatant mistake.
But no, when I say he’s won the genetic lottery, I’m talking about what’s behind those dark brown eyes of his. Because the boy is SMART. Anyone who looks can see the intelligence in his eyes. And anyone who looks closely can see how he uses that intelligence—by figuring out how to best everyone else in the room, whenever and however he wants to.
This kid’s a grifter, pure and simple. He may call himself a social engineer. A facilitator. Sometimes even a hustler. But deep down, if you ask me, he’s just an old-fashioned con man, looking for the next sucker—and the next big score. It’s not my game, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t admire him for it. Just like I’d be lying if I tried to pretend there wasn’t a part of me that wanted to be him, just for a little while. Just for a day… or two.